Every now and then I see some data that challenges the conventional wisdom.
In today’s Washington Times, Steve Chapman writes:
“Nicollette Sheridan in a towel; raunchy lyrics on the radio; violence, skin and bad language in nearly every film -- it's no wonder Americans feel the entertainment industry is putting in overtime doing the devil's work. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that 70 percent of us fear that "popular culture -- that is, television, movies and music -- is lowering the moral standards in this country."
… It's as though vicarious sin is an adequate substitute for the real thing. Our entertainment may be sinking lower, but our moral standards keep rising in spite of it.
Most of the cultural indicators are improving. Crime, abortion rates, divorce rates, alcohol & tobacco consumption, and drunk driving deaths are all declining. With all this good news, will bloggers have to stop ranting and raving about the culture war? Not a snowball’s chance in that region whose gates “will not prevail” Mt. 16:18.