We just got back from the Kiwanis International Convention in Montreal, Canada. The United Nations representative called our service project the greatest public health project ever. Starting in 1990 Kiwanis International began a project to eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorder - a leading cause of goiter and mental retardation. Here is a quote from the Kiwanis International & U.S. Fund for UNICEF website
All children deserve the best possible start in life.Yet, every day, 113,000 babies are born at risk of iodine deficiency.
Imagine being one of these children. You might not be able to learn as quickly as others, and this could hinder your chances of success in life without you even knowing why. Worse still, you might suffer severe mental and physical retardation.
Imagine being the mother of a child who, without realizing it, is herself iodine deficient, and thereby deprives her baby of iodine during pregnancy. Much of the damage caused by iodine deficiency may be done before a child is even born.
If the future of a society lies in the health and talents of its children, imagine how iodine deficiency hampers the development of entire nations when, child by child, its young people are unable ever to reach their full potential.
Kiwanis clubs throughout the world have raised and contributed $80 million towards eliminating IDD throughout the world. Every year 90 million children are protected by our ongoing efforts. For a testimonial from a public health worker in Guena, West Africa click here. For an assessment of progress click here.
The average IQ of a population iodine deficient population can be some 15 points lower than a population with adequate iodine.
One teaspon of iodine, worth five cents, will protect a child for a life time. If you would like to contribute, click here. If you live in central Virginia and are interested in Kiwanis, contact me.